How To Help Someone With Eating Disorder


One of the most common misconceptions about eating disorders is that people regard it as a lifestyle choice or a kind of diet. Well, this concept is entirely wrong. A person suffering from eating disorder is experiencing some irregular and weird eating habits. It is a mental illness that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Otherwise, it can lead to more severe problems or complications in one’s health.


The myth that you can tell who has an eating disorder based upon their appearance is incredibly dangerous to those who are struggling. — Jennifer Rollin MSW, LCSW-C

Most of the time, people who have eating disorders do not listen to those who are telling them that they have a problem. They are obsessed with losing weight or overeating once provoked with too much anxiety. Because of this, it becomes challenging to deal with them. If you know someone who is suffering from this kind of disorder, then this article is for you. Check out the guidelines below on how you can deal with a family member, friend, or even a loved one who has bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa.

Learn More About Eating Disorder

If you suspect someone from your family or group of friends is suffering from an eating disorder, the first thing that you need to do is to research more about it. Use reliable resources in conducting the research. Fortunately, there are already many studies or research available online. You can start reading even in the comforts of your own home. However, take note that it is still better to talk to a professional who can give a better explanation about eating disorders.

Patients with eating disorders contend with a difficult emotional landscape marked by isolation and loneliness as well as shame, guilt and embarrassment, not to mention a profound hopelessness about the possibilities of emotional connection. — Tom Wooldridge, PsyD, ABPP, CEDS

Call A Counselor

It can be difficult to strike up a conversation with someone who is anorexic or bulimic. Sometimes, these persons may feel that you are attacking them instead of helping them. To avoid this from happening, another option is available, which is to get in touch with a counselor. This professional can give you the proper guidance and assistance needed to connect with the person who has an eating disorder.


At this point, it is important to note that eating disorders are serious health problems. They need to be dealt with immediately to prevent further complications from happening. It can even lead to death if the help arrives late. Do not wait for things to get difficult before starting to help someone with an eating disorder. Do it as early as you can and help save a life. With little effort, you can change someone’s life for the better.  Always be ready to be of service to other people.

Talk To The Other Person

This is the part where you need to get the attention of the person who is suffering from the disorder. Find the right time to talk to him. Do not rush into engaging a communication to ensure that the other person would be willing to discuss the matter with you. It is highly recommended to listen to what he has to say directly. Do not try to give too many comments, especially when you are not sure about it. Moreover, it is essential to let him know that no matter what happens, you will always be there for him.

Your eating disorder does not define you, nor does it dictate who you will become. — Greta Gleissner LCSW