Self-Help Practices During Recovery From Eating Disorders



It seems to be the “perfect storm” for binge eating to rear its ugly head and demand more of your attention. — Danielle Swimm LCPC

Enlisting the help of a professional or even of your family, friends, and relatives is indeed the best treatment for eating disorders. You are one step towards your goal. But recovery will not always be successful if you do not in any way cooperate with your healing.

As doctors and psychiatrists would say, your utmost cooperation will be the best treatment. What they are all referring to is self-help. Just because you are suffering does not mean that you cannot help yourself as well. It may seem contradictory, but there are lots of ways that you can have self-care.

Don’t worry! We will take this step by step. We’ll start with the easiest:

Treat Yourself



It is time you stop beating yourself up! You are beautiful whatever you look like. Let go of the negative emotions slowly. Do this until you see the positive aspects of things more than that of the negative.

Ask yourself what you want at the moment. List those down and try to get or do whatever you can right now from the list. Pamper yourself. Wear any clothes that you like. Adore yourself in the mirror and avoid any comparison.

Put Yourself First This Time

Stop blaming yourself. Stop overthinking what other people would say. Doing this will just hurt you and will turn the treatments in vain. Every time you are going to do something, ask yourself about your intentions. Are you putting others above you? If yes, think again and choose yourself this time around.

Do not worry about the costs incurred for this time as well. We all know that treatment and recovery may be expensive. But always remember that you are worth it. Your future will become more meaningful now that you have admitted that you need more help. Do not let simple money worries get in the way of your full recovery.

Recognize that you are using bingeing either as a response to physical or emotional deprivation (i.e., you aren’t eating enough throughout the day, or you are eating things yet feeling guilty about them), and/or to cope with uncomfortable or unpleasant emotions. — Jennifer Rollin MSW, LCSW-C

Let Go Of The Stigma

The stigma of getting professional help is so over. Celebrities, social media influencers, and most people are not that secretive about their depression, eating disorders, and other mental health issues. Moreover, they are proud to have enlisted professional help without feeling any bit of shame on their part.

Do not think about discontinuing seeing the doctor. Do not fake your recovery. It will be the worst turn of your life once you stop following the recovery plan.

Follow The Prescribed Eating Habits



Trust us: your doctor has an eating habit tailored just for you! He or she values you that much. The best you can do is to follow your prescription. But take note that you do not always have to strictly follow it right away and be all anxious about it. Take it slowly and set a deadline that is not hard for you to stick with.

Recovery patients admit that the start is always the hardest phase. But as they go along, they have found out the importance of self-help, and it became the reason why the negative voices in their heads are now quiet. Recovery may be a daily battle. It is your will to care for yourself that will get you through to see the beauty of a healed life.

The only way to clear up popular, negative misconceptions about Binge Eating Disorder, obesity and disordered eating is with continual open discussion that educates and moves towards greater understanding. — Jennifer Kromberg PsyD